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Research Theory – Methodology – Data

Research Theory – Methodology – Data

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Research Theory
Research Methodology
Research data
Be brief, choose carefully the words
Use current (within 5-7 years), scholarly, PRIMARY resources to support statements.

3.1 Theoretical Foundations
Briefly describe the primary theoretical basis for the study. Describe the major theory (or theories) that will serve as the lens through which you will view the research problem and research questions and provide any corresponding citations.
NOTE: The theoretical foundation should be a theory from your discipline that supports your topic. In doing so, certain constructs (explanatory ideas) from that theory would be used to support the research focus

3.2 Contributions to Theory
Describe how your study will contribute to theory in your field by meeting one or more of these four criteria.
1. The study should generate new theory.

2. The study should refine or add to an existing theory.

3. The study should test to confirm or refute a theory.

4. The study should expand theory by telling us something new about application or processes

3.3 Theoretical Implications

Describe the theoretical implications you believe your study could have for your field AND your specialization area. This will be the theoretical framework(s) to be used in conceptualizing the study and analyzing the data.

3.4 Practical Implications

Please describe the specific practical implications that may result from this research that can be used by any or all of the following stakeholders: the population being studied, professionals for whom this topic pertains, and/or the wider community itself.


4.1 Research Design
Describe the research design you will use.
Start by specifically stating the type of quantitative research design you will use (non-experimental, quasi-experimental, experimental), include the exact name or type of design to be used, and describe the exact method(s) (archival, survey, observations) you will use to collect the data. Briefly describe how the study will be conducted.
Briefly describe the research philosophy underlying your study and the ontological, epistemological, axiological, and methodological assumptions of your design.
? The Research Design should be clearly identified.
? The Research Design should be appropriate to the Research Question.
4.2 Population and Sample
Describe the characteristics of the larger population from which the sample (study participants) will be drawn. Include specific data/statistics.
State the estimated sample size and your method of determining the sample size needed for the study.
State the sampling strategy (probability or non-probability), the specific method (random, purposive, convenience, etc.), then describe the sample inclusion and exclusion criteria.
4.3 Ethical Considerations
Describe any ethical considerations given the sample, population, and/or topic.
Please explain as fully as possible (i.e., How do you plan to protect human participants while identifying the sample, while collecting the data, while analyzing the data, after data are collected, and during data storage?)
Is the proposed population or research topic greater than minimal risk?

0 Yes 0 No
If yes, has the researcher had a consultation with the IRB office?

0 Yes 0 No
If yes, please paste the IRB’s e-mail response or a summary of the response here.
5.1 Constructs
A construct is an idea—an intangible concept that we want to measure. We must then define the construct in terms of a variable (something which can be measured), and then we must provide an operational definition as to how that variable will be measured for this particular study. For example:
Construct: Intelligence
Variable: IQ
Operational definition: WAIS-IV score

Define each construct required by the research question and title. Provide citations showing your theoretical framework. Number each construct.

5.2 Variables (Definitions of Constructs as variables)
Define each construct (in Item 5.1) as a variable. Provide citations to theoretical framework or previous research supporting the selection of variable type.
5.3 Operational Definitions
Present an operational definition for each construct you will measure (with citations for published measures). How will this variable be measured in this study?

5.4 Measures/Instruments
Describe in detail all data collection instruments and measures (tests, questionnaires, scales, interview protocols, and so forth). Also include any demographic information you plan to collect.
For each measure include:
(A) citation for published measure/instrument
(B) description of the measure/instrument
(C) data type(s)/levels of measurement for variable(s) measured by the instrument
(C) available psychometric information (including normative data and validity & reliability coefficients for each measure/instrument.)

Attach a copy of each instrument you plan to use as an appendix to your Research Plan. If permission is required to use the instrument, please attach a copy of documentation showing that you have permission to use the instrument.

5.5 Research Hypotheses

For each quantitative question and sub-question in Item 1.5, list hypotheses for their investigation. Give nulls and alternates for each sub-question. Use appropriate nomenclature for the hypotheses.
5.6 Type(s) of Data

Complete the table rows for each Research Question, indicating the variables, whether they are Independent Variables (IV) or Dependent Variables (DV), and what data type they are (Ordinal, Ratio,
5.7 Data Collection -Sampling Procedures

Describe in detail each step that you will take from the beginning of recruitment to consent from the participants to participate. You must provide specific details and present the details in the order in which they will occur. You must include all of the following (if applicable):
• The recruitment site(s), acknowledgement of any permissions needed from the sites, and if there is an IRB at any of the sites.
• All of the means by which recruitment will occur (i.e., flyers, e-mails, social media)
• How potential participants will contact you.
• How the potential participants will be screened and how you will proceed if they do qualify and if they do not qualify for the study.

5.8 Data Collection Procedures

Data collection begins at the time of informed consent and continues until the data is collected.
Describe the exact procedure that will be used to collect the data. This is a step-by-step description of exactly how the research will be conducted. This should read like a recipe for the data collection procedures to be followed in your study. Be sure to include all the necessary details so that someone else should be able to follow this to replicate the study.
5.9 Data Analyses

List the research question and sub-questions, followed by the null and alternative or research hypotheses for each research question. Then describe all methods and all procedures for data analysis including:

(a) types of data to be analyzed,
(b) organizing raw data,
(c) managing and processing data,
(d) preparation of data for analysis (transforming, recoding, etc.),
(e) the actual data analyses to be conducted to answer each of the research questions and/or to test each hypothesis, including descriptive statistics, any hypothesis tests and any post-hoc analyses (complete the table),
(f) storage and protection of data





RQ# Type of Analysis Descriptive Stats Hypothesis Testing Posthoc Analysis

5.10 Expected Findings

Describe the expected results of the data analysis. Discuss the expected outcome of each of the hypotheses and discuss whether or not your expectations are consistent with the research literature on the topic. Provide in-text citations and references in the reference section.

In the field below, provide your references for the research about your topic, and key theorists/researchers associated with the selected methodology. You will continue to build on this list of references for your Chapter 1 Background of the Problem, Chapter 2 Literature Review and Chapter 5, where you will discuss your findings in the context of the literature.

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